«Transport construction» Journal

Science, Technology and Practice Journal «Transport construction»

Rus Eng


Boris V. Sakun – General Director of LLC Regional Construction Company, Moscow


The Editorial Council consists of honorary members of the transport construction industry in the amount of 9 people.
All members of the Editorial Council gave their consent to join it.


1. Abdraknmanov Said S. – Member of the Russian Academy of Transport, Honoured Builder of the Russian Federation, Honorary Railway Worker, Honorary Builder of Russia, Honorary Transport Builder, Honorary Economist of Russia, Moscow

2. Basin Efim V. – Doctor of Economics, Academician of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Building Sciences, Academician of the International Academy of Sciences of Informatization Processes and Technology, Full Member of the Academy of Economics and Investments, Academician of the Russian Academy of Transport. President of the Association of the "Interregional Association of Builders" self-regulatory organization, Hero of Socialist Labour, laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation, Honoured Builder of Russia, Honorary Transport Builder, Moscow

3. Vasil'ev Yurij E. – editor-in-chief – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Full Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Transport, Honorary Road Worker of Russia, Honorary Transport Builder, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education, Head of the Department of Road Construction Materials of the Moscow Automobile and Highway State Technical University, Moscow

4. Kogan Robert A. – Ph. D. in Engineering Science, Academician of the Russian Academy of Transport. Honoured Builder of the Russian Federation, Moscow

5. Polishchuk Nikolaj A. – Academician of the Russian Academy of Transport, Doctor of Transport, Honoured Builder of the Russian Federation, laureate of the USSR Council of Ministers Award and the Government Award Russian Federation, Honorary Builder of Russia, Honorary Transport Builder, Honorary Builder of Moscow, Honorary Transport Worker of Russia, Laureate of the Prize of the Council of Ministers of the USSR and the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow

6. Sakun Boris V. – Ph. D. in Engineering Science, Honorary Worker of Transport of Russia, Honorary Transport Builder, General Director of “Regional Construction Company” LLC, Chairman of the regional public organization “Scientific and technical association of scientists and specialists of transport construction” regional public organization, Moscow

7. Salimonov Anatolij A. – Honorary Builder of Russia, Honorary Transport Builder, Academic Secretary of the regional public organization “Scientific and technical association of scientists and specialists of transport construction” regional public organization, Moscow

8. Shmidt Valerij I. – Ph. D. in Economics, Assistant professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Transport. President of the Association of Bridge Builders, Chairman of the Russian National Group IABSE, Honoured Builder of the Russian Federation, Honorary Transport Builder, Honorary Builder of Moscow, winner of the gold medal named after Shukhov and medal named after Melnikov, Moscow

9. Yumashev Vladislav M. – Ph. D. in Engineering Science, Academician of the Russian Academy of Transport, winner of the Gold Medal named after Shukhov, Honorary Road Builder of Russia, Honorary Builder of Russia, Honorary Transport Builder, Honorary Professor of the Moscow Automobile and Road Construction State Technical University, Moscow

«SIE MADI Technopark» Ltd 2022.
64, Leningradsky Prospect, Moscow, 125319
It is included in the List of reviewed scientific journals in which the main scientific results of PhD theses must be published
ISSN 0131-4300